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Embetween memories and thoughts of defeati rack lines on this mirror stuck in DisbeliefWhat have i becomei marvel rathen than ponder on who i am today a toxic routine planted roots every morning i toss a seed another takes its place its hard to live as empty as i feel today i know the sun sets differently when i pray i atill live in shame its obvious i cant snort this pain away tommorrow is another day when i wake ill pray for a sober breath instead of another action of disgust

Embetween memories and thoughts of defeati rack

What is a dad? Is it someone who wipes away your tears when you are sad? Is it someone’s hand to hold when you are glad? What if neither of these are true but you still love the man that made you. Sometimes I want to scream and tell you I hate you, then I look in your eyes and it reminds me I still love you. It’s not your fault I keep telling myself over again but nothing can make you stop not even our pain. If you can’t not knew what you’ve put us through, maybe that would make you find the real you. You were a loving man with family who care, grandkids a plenty who wound love you to be there. We love you dad I wish you knew and we could always be the family we wanted to be true.

What is a dad? Is it someone