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    I’ve experienced and received my answer I can’t have the poison in my body any longer. It tasted sweet at first but turned

    Author: Samuel W. Asselstine I wait for her as the sun rises high, She is not here, I see her from afar, She is

    By Leslie Cappiello His death. Unexpected and sudden. Happy and grounded he seemed at this stage in his life at thirty

    Author: Logan they teach you that drugs are bad but they don’t teach you how to deal with the pain when

    The Power of Imagination in Psychotherapy Therapy emphasises the importance of exploring our minds, seeking truth or clarity and uncovering our past.

    Creativity Can Play an Important Role in Addiction Recovery A novelist in recovery said he believed drinking made him a better

    Equilibrium, Truth, and Hope: What It's Like to Be a Writer in Recovery We speak to four accomplished writers about their writing

    Tennessee Williams, F Scott Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Cheever, Carver, Berryman… Six giants of American literature – and all addicted to alcohol.

    Embetween memories and thoughts of defeati rack lines on this mirror stuck in DisbeliefWhat have i becomei marvel rathen than

    What is a dad? Is it someone who wipes away your tears when you are sad? Is it someone’s hand

    I’ve experienced and received my answer I can’t have the poison in my body any longer. It tasted sweet at first but turned

    Have you seen a girl named Tina? Thin and pale, welts on her face; Blood flowing through her crystallized, Black hole pupils fill

    Every addict is an egomaniac with an inferiority complex. I’m no different. The first flight had been cancelled. Two hours before

    One of my favorite writers of all-time was an underrated talent behind the likes of Parks and Recreation, Eastbound and

    When Wolf Parade sang, "I keep my head up tight. I make my plans at night. And I don't sleep,

    I was never high enough. My body defied odds of survival. A regular EF5 tornado. He was my treatment center roommate