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    What is a Recovery Journey? It's both an individual story of your personal journey from addiction to recovery and a communal story that relates to the

    Author: Logan they teach you that drugs are bad but they don’t teach you how to deal with the pain when

    We Can Be Victorious Editor's note: All  sources for this Personal Journey has been omitted to protect the annonymity of the

    I was just a little kid when you entered my world. I remember the first time I saw you, heard

    Tennessee Williams, F Scott Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Cheever, Carver, Berryman… Six giants of American literature – and all addicted to alcohol.

    Equilibrium, Truth, and Hope: What It's Like to Be a Writer in Recovery We speak to four accomplished writers about their writing

    Creativity Can Play an Important Role in Addiction Recovery A novelist in recovery said he believed drinking made him a better

    The Power of Imagination in Psychotherapy Therapy emphasises the importance of exploring our minds, seeking truth or clarity and uncovering our past.

    Rock Bottom What is rock bottom? You are lucky if you have to ask. Stuck in a pit, standing on wet, jagged stones painfully

    Guess it’s been a dark ride here, Cause I’m not sure where I’ve been. I got lost in all the

    Dear Alcohol, Its time to say goodbye you duplicitous thief. We’ve had some great times man, no doubt about it. You

    Life Equation San Francisco plus twenty-something plus romance breakup equals cocktails. Margaritas, gin. New romances schmucks plus teaching high school plus early thirties bar hopping independence equals half a bottle of wine most

    One of my favorite writers of all-time was an underrated talent behind the likes of Parks and Recreation, Eastbound and

    When Wolf Parade sang, "I keep my head up tight. I make my plans at night. And I don't sleep,

    On a given day, I might take 70 mg of Adderall to stay alert, focused, and energized for the duration

    Bright age of 16, year 11 ahead them gcses staring down at me im dead poppin pillies like they were harmless but struggled with