Author: Jessica McClintock
We survive in the dark shadows of night
Trying to run from our internal curse
Hiding our pain with the smoke that blocks out the light
Falling deeper in darkness feeling better for now while making it worse
Not realizing at first that this puddle is what will cause us to drown
Drawn in by the numbness that masks the hidden inner beast
Fools for thinking we could break free getting high with these chains still dragging us down
Seeking to regain control of our scattered minds and from the torturous emotions find temporary relief
From the glass to the puddle and from that puddle into smoke
This addiction takes over and in its haze we become lost and confused
Days turn to weeks then months into years losing time itself toke after toke
It becomes what seems to be the only thing left preventing this internal explosion and without it we will lose
This battle we have inside ourselves its not a fair fight but more of a catch 22
Inhaling the smoke to hold the grip on sanity yet still going crazy with or without the smoky haze
Becoming increasingly insane with growing self hatred and rage is the problem us addicts face day after day
Broken fragments of ourselves regardless of how much we do to ignore these internal scars
You cant outrun yourself. No matter where you go, there is where you still are
On this broken path of self destruction with nothing left but ourselves to lose
In the end it doesn’t matter we are all just broken people no matter which path in life we choose
Free to make the choice but no one is free of the consequences of those choices
And until Death brings the Devil to kick open Hell’s door
We remain lost in life and in our own minds continuing to fight An Addict’s War.
Author: Jessica McClintock
We survive in the dark