Author: Savanna Tufts
My bottled up feelings boil up and like a volcano they eventually erupt
I impulsively pick up and start burning everything that I touch
These cravings engulf me, as if they were a tidal wave
They master and control me, like I am their vital slave
Like a sink hole, my face descends and begins to concave
My eyes deeply sunken in, like a skeleton in a grave
Like a tornado, I spiral, and start destroying everything in my path
When I can’t get what I want, you know you’ll hear my wrath
Relapse after relapse and another mistake after mistake
Breaking my heart and my home, like there was an earthquake
The thoughts of my past flow in rapid, like there is a flood
Ruining the lives of my friends and the lives of my blood
This disease steals all of my light, as if it were an eclipse
I got some tools to stop, but my belt isn’t fully equip
Some people claim it’s not a disease, and ignorance is bliss
Will this be the death of us all, like there’s an apocalypse
Like a hurricane, addiction is cruel and a force
You have to let each relapse just run it’s course
As we let a natural disaster run the course that they do
Cuz if intervened you don’t know what might ensue
The overwhelming fear and remorse rumbling in my mind like thunder
Sometimes so unbearable I think I’d be better off six feet under
I wish they could just shock my head with a bolt of lightning
So I could have a normal brain instead of one that is frightening
I’m afraid of my own thoughts and my life starts to crumble, that’s erosion
It’s blowing up every bit of my persona, now that’s an explosion
Coating my character like rust on metal, now that’s some corrosion
Every single hope and dream I’ve had shattered, like an implosion
I’ve got to pump the breaks and start moving slower, not faster
Because I’ve got to stop living my life like an unnatural disaster